Rick Moore is a pro! A beloved, retired Math teacher, Rick has found another calling, interviewing athletes and artists (among others) for his amazing internet radio venture. Go Rick! Here’s my recent interview with him. I am humbled by his generous spirit.
Cape Ann Artisans Spring Tour
Springing out of the Studio!
After a cozy winter (OK that's an exaggeration) beside the Chubby coal stove in the studio, it's time to come out and play with sea glass again! I've added much in the way of earrings and bracelets, plus a few new exciting pendants. Not to mention the ever-expanding hair combs and unusual accessories like lariats, eye glass holders, and sweater guards to please the person that may have (almost) everything!
So here's where you can find me in the coming months:
May 2-3 – The first North East Sea Glass Expo in Hampton, NH promises to be a great reunion from the festival held her over a dozen years ago. Looking forward to seeing my odl friend Carole Lambert of the Sea Glass Chronicles & Passion for Sea Glass!
June 12-14 – Essex County Greenbelt – Art in the Barn. Very excited to actually be in town for this year's show!
June 20-21 – the spectaular Cape Ann Artisans Studio Tour – right here in my backyard. Check out the new brochure. The CAA will be walking in Gloucester' Pride Stride on April 26th as well. Would love for you to join us!!
North Shore Magazine & 2014 Cape Ann Artisans Tour Announcement
Thanks North Shore Magazine for a wonderful blog post on the 2104 Cape Ann Artisans Tour – Read more here!