The real story behind my sea glass jewelry design business and how it landed in a business book.

A few month ago, a dear friend and author asked me “What do you know for sure?” Then, she challenged me to write up my answer in a 1000 word essay for a book she was about to publish. At the time, I didn’t know anything about the other essayists and that I would be part of something as powerful and honest as 33 Gems| Wisdom for Living Pieces of Life’s Puzzle.
Having only 24 hours to identify the topic and a few days to complete the essay forced me to quickly think about what has impacted me the most in life. The author (Dr. Sharon Freeman) wanted me to focus on my creative endeavor, sea glass jewelry design. Some of you know, my professional training is in marketing and that I have always had a business focus. BUT, the more interesting story is about all the forms of creativity that have led me to this particular moment in life and effectively, the kernel of “what I know for sure.” Philosophically speaking, it’s a stretch to say we know anything FOR SURE! But it’s a thought worth contemplating. My essay is titled, “This I know for sure| Creative endeavors are much more than hobbies. They can feed our souls, relationships, & pocketbooks at the same time.”
I can’t give any more away because I really do want you to buy the book. My essay aside, it’s the other essayists that opened my eyes and quite frankly humbled me in their accomplishments told in the most honest, and intimate manner. As a society we have debated issues of diversity, socio-economic challenges, education, immigration, fiscal responsibility, health care, politics, regional, national, and international cultural issues, immigration, etc. Through personal storytelling from people of highly diverse backgrounds, these and many other topics are addressed in ways that really hit home.
What stands out to me is the strength of human character in this microcosm of society – good over evil, high road over easy street, recovery, resilience, and giving back. I do not know any of the people in the book other than the author and one other essayist and her 11 year old son – but I want to meet each of them. When you read the book, you will feel like you have met each of them and take away a valuable new perspective and potentially relationship that will help you with your life, business, family, or simply feed your soul. And of course, the best is saved for last. 11 year old Negash challenges the adult world to think about the future and what will be left to his generation. To learn more, please visit Gems of Wisdom. To order the book, click here.